Featured Puggle ~ Delilah

By | February 15, 2011

Name: Delilah

Nickname: Pretty Girl

Color/Markings: Fawn with four white paws and a white chest.

Favorite Toy: Her all time favorite toy is a ratty old tennis ball.  She will actually “roll” the ball back to you, on the floor, by shooting it out of her mouth. She will chase the ball and bring it back.  And her best trick is catching the ball in the air.

Best Friend: Her human Mommy!

Life Goal: To keep Velma, the cat, out of the house plant.

A Short Bio: Delilah brought so much joy to our family after our Beagle, Lucky, passed and 5 months later our Cat, Smokey, passed.

Sparky, our other beagle, needed a playmate since his brother just passed. So Delilah was found!  She will lick any visitor to death!  She travels everywhere with her mom, always wearing her seatbelt.  She loves road trips!  She spends her day playing with the cats, her tennis ball, and her human friends.

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