Meet Maddy & Cormac

BIO: Cormac

Meet Cormac! This gentle little puggle was the main inspiration for this blog. He’s shy around new people, but his love and loyalty make him worth winning over! He’s a sucker for warm legs/laps and bit of a mommas boy.

Name: Cormac

Nicknames: Pizza Ears, Da Cormacz

Color/Markings: Blonde

Favorite Toy: Purple Dog (Currently destuffed & M.I.A.!) & Undies

Best Friend: Maddy

Medical Notes: Lactose Intolerant

Life Goal: Being Batman’s Dog


BIO: Maddy

Meet Maddy! Check out that attitude! She a spunky puggle with BIG personality and lots of kisses to give. Whether it’s an underbite or a snaggle tooth, she’s always grinning!

Name: Maddy Mae

Nicknames: Ewok, Under-Bitz, Monkey Face

Color/Markings: Brown w/ Black Mask

Favorite Toy: Ivan (The Cat)

Best Friend: Daddy

Medical Notes: Under Bite

Life Goal: Catch a squirrel
